Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Foolish for Successful Sabahans to Return

Free Malaysia Today: Come home and make a difference, young Sabahans told.

(The newly founded Sabah Young Entrepreneurs & Professionals (Sayap) is hoping to be the “point of contact” for those wishing to return and at the same time, stem the state’s brain drain.)

Beware of this announcement. I believe it is financed by people who wants to continue robbing more and more of Sabah of its resources. It is similar to the regular complaints in the established media about the poor state of services in Sabah to give the impression there is freedom of expression in Sabah. There is little freedom of speech in Malaysia to be completely non-existent.

You will be stupid to return to Sabah if you are successful overseas. Sabah is getting poorer and poorer as a result of massive thefts of its resources, more than 50% outflow. No region can survive this massive outflow of funds, already identified by foreign economic experts attached to IDS even in the 1990s because I attended a talk on this. At that time I did not know it was more than 50%, but results show that it is worse than this.

I do appreciate any professional or rich people wanting to return to Sabah because they are still useful to at least delay the inevitable collapse of Sabah's economy.

Beware of the perils in living in a poor region such as Sabah.

The most important is health. Figures indicate less than half of doctors in Malaya but because of poor infrastructure, it is much worse than this. Stick to the cities with private specialist hospitals. Only in Kota Kinabalu. There used to be none even in KK for a few years.

Now there are 3 in KK. Still none in the other cities. Government hospital in KK has the capability to perform some forms of heart surgery, but better be prepared to go overseas for at least diagnostics. Reserve some money for this.

Some idiots will fall for the propaganda that Sabah is not really poor because medical facilities and infrastructure do improve. Even the cars improve. From Morris Minor to Toyota Landcruisers.

 I also fell for this false excuses spread by dajjal until I saw Toyota Landcruisers at the poorest places on earth such as Darfur in Sudan and Somalia. Even West Gaza, Palestine has bigger cars than those in Sabah with an even bigger and better equipped kitchens than the kitchens that I ever see at any home in Sabah. I saw the kitchen because it was bombed by Israel.

The poverty state of any region is not determined by the progress made, but by the speed of progress. Of course, old cars like Morris Minors are no longer manufactured, only the latest models are available.

Second, which I just found out in 2022, is that, the poverty of a region is not determined by the economic activities, but by the state of the infrastructures supporting that activity. The roads in Sabah are the worst in the world because the roads are not repaired despite being heavily used to generate income. The income is stolen by Malaya to repair Malayan roads but not Sabah where the income is generated.

Roads in Somalia and Peru are much better than Sabah because they are not heavily used.
Peru 2022

Somalia 2022

Sabah 2022

Sabah 2018

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